
The Aquarius Age:   Its Impact on Today's Generation and Consumerism Nowadays, everyone describes the era we are in as the Aquarius Age. But, have we ever tried to fathom the reason behind this title or why this time period was named after this specific zodiac sign?  Interestingly, the evolution of human race or its gravitation towards a particular niche is depicted by astrophysics. Astrophysics, in simple words, is the astronomy concerned with the physical position of celestial objects. This, thereafter, forms another branch of study called Astrology that is in tandem with astronomy. Before, we discuss about astrology's association with today's Aquarius Age, let's clear a misconception.  Misconception #1: Often people assume that in Astrology, our stars, predetermined position of celestial objects and predictions created by astrologists decide the pathway of our life and what future it holds. If that was so, then why did God give us life when we have a source already a
 World Happiness Day: A Package of Different Meanings Before we reach onto the depth of World Happiness Day, its origin and the need to celebrate, I believe that its of utmost importance to understand what ‘happiness’ actually reflects. What does it mean to be happy? For everybody, it has different meanings because they have different prisms of perception. Attaining this state of mind has several paths that are marked as the favorite choices of people. However, how do you retain this feeling when a deluge of problems comes your way? On the occasion of the United Nations International Happiness Day, 20th March, 2022, it’s a culture to magnify this topic even further. Picturing it at a global level, the world has faced a myriad of problems: Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine Crisis and even the climatic changes. Therefore, the significance of this event this year entirely changes; it is about being perseverant and headstrong whilst shielding your happiness core from unprecedented si
 The Memory of Water: The Holy Ganga and Me... Although it's quite bizarre, but yes- water does have memory. Its a fact that astonished me too at first when it was revealed in one of the most famous animated Disney movies called Frozen. I know- it was absolutely great! Because of this exact relevation, rivers ,especially in India, are deemed as beacons of the Divine Conscience and of great historical significance. I mean, let's take a while to ponder about it! A glacier melts and that river travels from great heights to small towns, villages and hamlets to cities whose life depends on those rivers. A great example of this is the river Ganga. Just as a person who travels alot gains exposure and experience, a river too gathers several stories of all those places it strides into.  How??? I don't mean to be theoretical. So, let me be practical about this. We all are particles alive with some energy or waves. Water has the property to absorb energy and waves, something I have ta
  Spiritual Education Personally, I deem education of utmost importance; it gives one skills to do a task that might create a change in this world. Now, its not necessarily a good change; it could bring this world utter destruction like the pandemic that arose due to constant genetic engineering and many other reasons that account for it. Therefore, it depends on what you are learning and at what time. You could learn to be a criminal but at the same time a saint. Today, I want to discuss a curriculum that should be by default imparted in everyone's life. Those who have passed out from school or are undergoing their school years, know the syllabus provided to them. We all know that a month later or two, there will be an assessment. Why are we informed prior? So, we could prepare for them and revise all the concepts given to us. Nonetheless, this is not reality; life is not fair enough to us for informing prior to the arrival of stormy waters. And truth be told- no one is prepared f
  The Imperishable Spirit of Adolescence What really is the best phase of our life? According to me, its the imperishable spirit of teenage period that remains etched on our minds even when we become senior citizens; in majority, it invokes a sense of perplexity, confusion and befuddlement yet this time phase also heralds our timeless self-exploration complemented with thrill and adventure. I bet, people who are or were below 18 years and above 12 years, can reminisce all the possible beautiful memories embedded in their repertoire of  past moments. Perhaps, teenagers have always been mavericks by nature for they always think out of the box with their built in curiosity. (Lil' Curious Georges)  As they always say, its the blessings we see in the hindsight. Why am I really talking about teenage in spirituality? This is because, while spirituality is all about self actualization and realization, adolescence is the moment where we eradicate all the haze and ambiguity within us. Someth
  The One Who Runs With The Wolves Feminism has been quite a crucial topic in every culture, religion, country and tradition of the world. Its where equality among men and women is strived for. But, is it really an ideology practiced or just a hypothetical thought? Will it ever be true especially in a gender based disparity country like India where men still earn more than women or have a greater horizon of opportunities and privileges in an overtly rooted patriarchal society? Throughout international history, everyone yearned for democracy; nevertheless, it was a different war for the females. The 'She' not only had to fight for democracy but also as women and for their gender. In countries like France, while men got already political advantages, the women finally got the right to vote in 1946.  What do you think the title "The One Who Runs With The Wolves" means? Who do you think 'One' refers to? Its actually the women. This rat race or, as we would like to
My MahaShivratri!   In the above video and pictures, you can see me and my family cherishing our moments on MahaShivratri at some beautiful MahaDev temples. 👉This year MahaShivratri was on 11th March, 2021. It is one of my favorite Hindu festivals of the year because  I am huge devotee of Shivji, MahaDev (The Destroyer) in Hindu Mythology. MahaShivratri is the day Shivji got married and throughout the Universe, euphoria spread. Often on this day, me, my mom, my aunt and cousins have an adventurous two-hour road trip to some exquisite Shiv Temple. Last year, in the midst of this pandemic, we went to an intricate Shiv Temple in the Talwara District in Punjab. It had so, so many stairs to reach the top. I guess I must have lost a kg or two! Suddenly, I felt restless and breathless; however, it was worth the exercise. Moreover, Parvati's penance in the Hindu Mythology for Shiva is quite renowned. I mean, hats off to her! On the occasion of MahaShivratri, everyone was relishing the fri