Euphoria, Anger and Disappointment... There are so many moments in life when we are immensely ecstatic and other moments that include intense anger. When we are about to get the result of something and expect it to be fruitful, we suddenly start being extra nice and sweet with the Supreme (God). I mean that its not that bad that we suddenly and immediately start praying because its just a human tendency to do so. And when that very same result is bad, we turn so bitter with God. Some people become agnostic or atheists for a similar logic. I guess this is how our bond is with God and in any relationship we have with another human being. But, why is it so that we turn our backs to God and at the time of need, we fall at His feet and start hailing Him? So, today we will be candidly discussing about this question. Without being an actual hypocrite, I practice the exact thing. Whenever my exam score is about to be released, I begin chanting all the hymns I know, pleading for Him to have my ...