
Showing posts from May, 2020

See the Sound of the Real ॐ OM (AEIOUM) Symbol

Do see the video above. It makes you realize the actual pronunciation. Its AEIOUM. It covers all the 12 points which signifies completion of the 12 houses in zodiac. Thus, the completion of all kinds of people on Earth. Moreover, remember what you speak as the energy vibrations have a massive impact, some can be positive while others negative. This video shows a visualization of the sound vibrations when this mantra is chanted when true knowledge is lost among the children of today. The compressions and rarefactions of this sound wave make the mantra more effective and positive-energy giving throughout our body.
The Art Of Meditation... Most of you perceive meditation as sitting in the corner without any distractions, chanting Om, crossed legs and not letting any thoughts come into your mind. Surprisingly, that's not all what meditation is about. Instead, there is something really deep in the art of meditation. What do you mean by "medi"? This prefix is used in many words such as medicine, medium and media. Now, take a second to think about the meaning of this word. If you have know idea about it, ponder about the function of medicine. What is its purpose? Well, we ingest medicines to alleviate the pain that persists in various parts of our body.  Likewise, meditation is a physical and mental state of body where your spine is completely straight and your thoughts shouldn't go or fade away however there should be clarity of mind because its impossible for humans to stop thinking even for a second. But be cautious of what you think while meditating as according to t...
 The Shiva Trilogy                                                           By: Amish Tripathi The Shiva Triology by Amish Tripathi is not only fascinating but also thought-invoking that will urge you to purchase this trilogy immediately from a bookstore and you will be able to read this book series within 3 months! It also describes the love saga of Mahadev(Shiva) and Sati(Parvati). While sitting near the chimney or enjoying the breeze in the outdoors while having green tea or some refreshing ice tea is a must when trying to cherish every moment with these books which will catapult you in a completely different and unique world of the immortals! In the upcoming posts, I will be definitely giving the book reviews of all Amish Tripathi's Hindu Mthology novels. Happy Reading!!!!! Do see its trailer!!! h ttps://
  Soul Engineering Many of you must have heard of personality development that encapsulates improving your traits which are seen by the outer world. However, what does soul development/engineering refer to? It refers to polishing your inner characteristics for what you think about yourself. Everyone knows the caveat,' Whatever you think comes out to be your face value.' Well, in order to excel in personality development, we have to dig in deep and chisel our soul as if its diamond. Therefore, after discussing so much about spirituality I have started an 8-day workshop session on Soul Engineering where I will be face-to-face interacting with you all and together we will be unraveling the sacred truths of the universe during this group discussion. In this post, I will be sharing the following details for the fun workshop! I just can't wait to meet you guys. It would be wonderful interacting with you all over a common topic and something that hap...
Happy Mother's Day!!! Today is truly a special day for all the children and mothers, especially. An occasion on which we appreciate for how much they have compromised and sacrificed for us. These women are immensely talented who could have moved on with their life to create a successful career, but no. They have devoted a chapter of their life only to us and that's incredible. There shouldn't be a special day for being grateful to our mothers. Why can't it be everyday? The actual hero in our life is our mother because she has a spirit and soul that is simply invincible and infallible. Even the biggest role models in our life are them, especially in my life. This universe represents God and since he cannot be everywhere, he has come in the form of mothers. I love, love, love my mother even more than this universe. Actually, I see the universe and my entire life in her eyes. There are many people who are like buses in our life: they come and go, however mothers are ...


This video will also explain to you about how to understand whether your Ajna chakra is open or not!


Everyday, for an hour you should do mindful meditation in order to create clarity of mind, sitting in a peaceful room along with this intuitive meditation music.....keep chanting "Om!"

How to Activate and Open Your Third Eye - Teal Swan

This is a video for activating your third eye! Enjoy and keep learning about the sacred truths of the universe!!!
The Third Eye Chakra....... Most of you must have heard about the 7 chakras in our body. When these chakras are open and functioning at the same time, you get exposed to spiritual enlightenment. The third eye chakra is one of the most commonly heard and significant one in our entire body. What is this chakra?? It's known to be the energy center that is an invisible eye located our brows. It’s a gateway to a completely different world where you envision things that cannot be seen with an ordinary eye. In the modern spiritual world, it’s said that it takes you to a 3-dimensional world where you see even the depth of a plane figure. While opening your third eye, you should be careful because it clears your mind from all the illusions and delusions and let’s you see the reality of every moment in your life. When your third eye is open, it indicates spiritual and personal enlightenment. What is it’s Biological meaning?? Technically, the third eye is represented by the ...
Image    See this video on YouTube with Vicky Sahi as the name in the search engine!
We, The Ambassadors of Hope ##AmbassadorsofHope is an initiative started by the government to spread optimism among the young citizens of Of the nation. In this, everyone has to make a video on their thoughts of hope and how it can preserve the Earth’s beauty. You must all try it as well to inspire the ones around you and give hope that anything is possible. Check out my video on YouTube with Vicky Sahi as the input in the search engine: You will find the video in my following post....
Joie De Vivre                                                                  ( Enjoyment Of Life) In all the previous posts, we have been talking about spiritualism, Gods, energies, souls and hymns. Spirituality happens to be a very subjective topic. According to me, it not only refers to a strong bond with God but also relates to your emotions as well as how practical you are with your daily life. A complete balance which is unlike following a single religion frantically, with all the futile myths and baseless superstitions. There is another significant topic that falls under the realm of spirituality- the human state of mind. The current situation is that the entire world is under a lockdown due to the epidemic- COVID-19. Due to this, everyone is sending messages to save Earth and to preserve its pristinity...