The Art Of Meditation...
Most of you perceive meditation as sitting in the corner without any distractions, chanting Om, crossed legs and not letting any thoughts come into your mind. Surprisingly, that's not all what meditation is about. Instead, there is something really deep in the art of meditation.
What do you mean by "medi"?
This prefix is used in many words such as medicine, medium and media. Now, take a second to think about the meaning of this word. If you have know idea about it, ponder about the function of medicine. What is its purpose? Well, we ingest medicines to alleviate the pain that persists in various parts of our body.
Likewise, meditation is a physical and mental state of body where your spine is completely straight and your thoughts shouldn't go or fade away however there should be clarity of mind because its impossible for humans to stop thinking even for a second. But be cautious of what you think while meditating as according to the law of attraction, whatever you think attracts that sort of energy. For example, thinking about something happy attracts positive energy and causes self-healing of the cells of your body (perhaps, something which even surgeons or doctors can't fix, meditating can even cure a paralysis!!)
It not only centralizes you in the universe but it also normalizes. You should remember that while meditating, you should neither look in the left nor right direction. Look straight with your spine completely upright, because this indicates your posture as well as personality. Mahadev is the epitome of perfect body posture and the opening of all the seven chakras in the body through meditation.
The Connection With Nature...
The suffix -tation refers to stationary which indicates serenity and a connection with the divine consciousness, one of the key points to get rid of problems in life. You know, one of the best places for meditation is nature since its a manifestation of the Supreme as well as it also has a scientific reason. Many priests believe that meditation should happen under a Banyan tree or a Peepal tree. I mean that's how Lord Buddha attained enlightenment however historian forgot to emphasize on the fact that it was mainly the natural surroundings or the tree which helped him in gaining enlightenment. Now, think about how did this tree contribute?
Astral Energy.....
The term astral energy must have resonated in your mind. Well, its physics (the study of nature). How? It refers to spiritual/ psychic energy. In my previous post of the Third Eye Chakra, I mentioned about how opening the ajna chakra can help you even foresee some incidents. The activation of this chakra gives you astral energy, which is the Supreme energy and the raw material or driving force for life. This astral energy resides in the stars in the Universe. The study of the position of stars and the planets in one's specified life is astrology.
Relation Between the Astral Energy and Meditation....
The Banyan trees and Peepal trees have the shape of a dome and this attracts the astral energy (positive energy; depends on the thoughts in your mind) from the stars and enters your brain which is also dome-shaped, through the neurons and nerves which hence send these highly positive energies and sensations throughout the body. That's why mosques and temples are dome-shaped. They are energy amplifiers. Its not because we feel that God sits in temples only; its because the astral energy we attain (which Lord Buddha did too), connects us with the divine consciousness.
So, sitting in the corner and chanting Om is not all. The purpose is to spread the power of driving force through our blood vessels. Try to create a rapport with nature(including animals). Afterall, they are the manifestations of the Almighty.
Ways To Create A Beautiful Connection With Nature....
1)Every morning when you wake up, you should water your plants while talking to them as if you are conversing with a normal person ( don't worry, it doesn't mean you are crazy, it means that you are being grateful)......sometimes you can even meditate next to the plants ....seeing them dancing can make you more jovial!
2) Try walking in a garden which is less-populated, in the wee hours with an upright position and chant any hymns that soothes.
3) Learn gardening or become a florists.....not only does it test your creativity but it also helps to shape your surroundings.
4) Instead of trying yoga, try yog (something I will be discussing in my upcoming posts). Don't do for the sake of it.....sometimes, your own mind(which is dome-shaped) can be the amplifier of positive energy.
5) Always remeber, its science as meditation is a natural medicine that can cause self-healing of the cells where you can avoid chemical-substance medicines!
Try to follow the above steps and I guarantee you that you will become a changed person.
Astral energy in the Universe
Meditating In This Beautiful Natural Surroundings
Great research and facts, Vanya!