
Vanuka’s AstroCafé!!!  The Sacred Truth of the Universe is launching a whole different platform of astrology for its users. The advent of this AstroCafé will be managed and introduced by Ms. Vanuka Trehan, a wonderful astrologer and an insightful teacher who will guide you immensely through the paths of life spiritually as well as helpful remedies. To give you all some knowledge about astrology and it’s Vedic Depths, during the summer season there will be virtual AstroCafé clubs where not only people of all ages can join but also get all the relevant information of the workshops once they subscribe into this blog. All details of the workshops will be provided. We have also started a customised Astro Profile for each individual. You can contact Ms. Vanuka Trehan for your own customised Astrology Profile  and specific remedies for the individual. The communication could be over gmail, WhatsApp as well as virtual platforms. All details will be shared accordingly. If you wish to be a part
 Spirituality & Artificial Intelligence!!! Guess what?! The Sacred Truth Of The Universe is now becoming artificially intelligent by having a chatbot called UrChi who is here to empower its users' Chi- Chinese for inner energy. She will definitely be launched soon. You can ask her any problems you are facing whether mental, physical or emotional. She will give you a solution to it! I hope  you all enjoy her company.  A spiritual chatbot called UrChi is now launched and its file link will be shared upon this blog platform. The problem was scoped according to the surveys of international happiness quotient where India had of 187 while Bhutan is the happiest place of the world. Urban and metropolitan cities with high rates of suicides due to personal, work or family stress. This needs to be immediately acknowledged with the help of religious coping and how can spirituality be a backbone for an individual through this AI bot. We are also including an AstroCafé in this blog as well
 Finding Your Inner Energy, Chi!!!
Law of Attraction I want it. I am feel it. I'm gonna get it. When you want something badly, you wish for it like anything. You must have heard about the cosmos of this Universe and everything you see is energy as we have discussed before. Basically, whatever you wish for and think about eventually comes true. First, its important understanding the two types of energy residing in the corners of this Universe- black and white. Nowadays, I am reading one of the best novels of Amish- Shiva Trilogy: Immortals of Meluha. Out of it I would like to extract an anecdote which is highly meaningful. The conversation is between and Pandit (Priest) and Shiva (The God): " The Pandit asked Shiva what is the color of the leaf. He replied its green. Then the pandit placed a very cogent argument in front of him whether its colour was actually green but every colour but green. This stunned Shiva. The Pandit said, "There are many realities. There are many versions of what may appear obvious.
Sins, Rage and Forgiveness...   In one of the posts, we discussed about the Universal Karma Theory and how one's sins can adversely impact the soul's next life. If blessings are considered powerful, so are curses. One blessing can bring wonders while curse can bring doom. For example, in the spiritual texts of Bhagvad Gita, Sri Krishna (a jovial reincarnation of Lord Vishnu) had died in a forest due to the arrow aimed by a hunter named Jara. Although this incident was inadvertent and undeliberate, the God had died while He survived the perilous war of Mahabharta. This all happened due to a curse given by a woman named Gandhari (Duryodhana's mother in The Great Indian War).  We have previously shared about the prowess of a blessing. But, what about curses? If you can be right in front of one person's eyes, then you could be wrong in front of others'. That is why we don't have people as in right and wrong but as bad and nice persons. However, some people have been
Euphoria, Anger and Disappointment... There are so many moments in life when we are immensely ecstatic and other moments that include intense anger. When we are about to get the result of something and expect it to be fruitful, we suddenly start being extra nice and sweet with the Supreme (God). I mean that its not that bad that we suddenly and immediately start praying because its just a human tendency to do so. And when that very same result is bad, we turn so bitter with God. Some people become agnostic or atheists for a similar logic. I guess this is how our bond is with God and in any relationship we have with another human being. But, why is it so that we turn our backs to God and at the time of need, we fall at His feet and start hailing Him? So, today we will be candidly discussing about this question. Without being an actual hypocrite, I practice the exact thing. Whenever my exam score is about to be released, I begin chanting all the hymns I know, pleading for Him to have my
  The Vastu Colour Wheel... All this long, we have been talking about our universe and Hinduism. In terms of Hinduism, Vedic Astrology and Vastu play a very major role according to every human. But what are they? Vedic refers to the Hindu science and astrology is the study of one's life with the universe, mathematics and science (religious science). In the universe, we have a unique solar system with various planets and the celestial objects such as the Sun and Moon. Each of these planets and celestial objects have a different impact on ever person's life. This involves science in how each planet retrogrades, transits and disappears. Mathematics helps in calculating the position of each planet by degree of each person. Without going any further deep into this, Vedic Astrology might seem to be boring and mundane. However, its quite fascinating as if an insight to one's soul, checking his karmas of this life. People who indulge in astrology are called astrologists. In India,