The Memory of Water: The Holy Ganga and Me... Although it's quite bizarre, but yes- water does have memory. Its a fact that astonished me too at first when it was revealed in one of the most famous animated Disney movies called Frozen. I know- it was absolutely great! Because of this exact relevation, rivers ,especially in India, are deemed as beacons of the Divine Conscience and of great historical significance. I mean, let's take a while to ponder about it! A glacier melts and that river travels from great heights to small towns, villages and hamlets to cities whose life depends on those rivers. A great example of this is the river Ganga. Just as a person who travels alot gains exposure and experience, a river too gathers several stories of all those places it strides into. How??? I don't mean to be theoretical. So, let me be practical about this. We all are particles alive with some energy or waves. Water has the property to absorb energy and waves, something I have ta...
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