The Spiritual Influence of Water...
From the very beginning we have been taught that after oxygen, water has been always one of the most crucial elements of this world. It does make 75% of our body including it is an indispensable component of every realm in this world. But as we have been discussing about the various the sacred truth of the universe, the natural elements that purify our atmosphere and our chakras, this all leaves me pondering about water's spiritual influence.
We know the health benefits of water such as cleansing our body and providing all the vital minerals including keeping our mind on the run. Let's look into water's soul benefits. Its usually said that it communicates the sacred value of life which is relevant to the theme of our blog. It is a completely different dimension that involves soul purification, self-healing, profound meaning of suffering and redemption in human life. In the histories of all religions of the world, water has been the centerpiece of spiritual symbolism and a remarkable part of every rite and ritual.
Water happens to have memory so while utilizing it in some or the other way, it is important that you bring it with positive energy as it will impact only your soul itself afterwards. For instance, you want to drink water, there is a caveat that you should drink only while sitting. Any specific reason behind this? Of course, there is- many people don't actually realize the true taste of water. And that would be quite normal as in the beginning I too thought water was tasteless. But one day my mother said that it was the most delicious and natural beverage for the world. So, I tried the technique as well and it widened my aperture. Apparently, water is much better than a soda as you emphasize on every molecule in every chakra in your body. As for bringing it with positive energy, while taking shower you must chant mantras, knowingly well their extreme optimistic vibrations which will not only automatically purify the water you want to cleanse yourself with but also rejuvenate you, your soul, reboot your chakras and gear you up for a new day ahead. Well, that's my practice every morning and night. Moreover, keeping water's memory in mind, the resonance of those mantras will absolutely create beautiful and potent memories in water that will remain embedded in the 75% of your body.
Its a well-known fact that smiling or laughing fools your upset mind. So, think about the power of smiling and drinking water. In whatever situation, predicament or moment you are in, hail, "Carpe Diem." This is a French phrase for seizing the moment. Hence, seize the moment with a fresh glass of water that gets rid of your dehydration, prevents you from choking, and keeps you alive at every nanosecond of your life. Below are enlisted steps that could be followed for empowering the spiritual influence of water:
i) As from the very beginning, we have been reminding you to create a strong rapport with nature and plants. So, while giving water to your backyard plants(an important factor for their growth) have sweet talks so that the water you are giving caters happiness to the plant as well.
ii) Every morning and night, chant those powerful hymns or mantras of the respective religion you follow, in order to have a refreshing time in the shower and when you come out, you start the day with a big smile!!!
iii) During summer or winter and having a cold or warm glass of water, try to sit and close your eyes savoring every moment you sip onto the purest and pristine beverage at home.
iv) Why does it have to be only at home? There are so many water bodies in this world. Suppose you to a beach or the hill station. For a moment, let us take a situation. You have gone to Rotang Pass (a breathtaking valley in Himachal Pradesh in India) where there is a series of icy mountains from where you spot a narrow river coming from it. However, due to excess tourism and commercialization, such water bodies are getting polluted. Spread awareness and share the spiritual importance of water with other people. Anytime you find pure water body, appreciate it, be grateful to the Supreme for such an element and take a sip of it, letting it flow through the blood vessels of your body.
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